UMZG color range

UMZG (arithmetic)

Mathematics / dealing with quantities, numbers and sizes (UMZG)
The learning area dealing with quantities, numbers and sizes corresponds to the subject mathematics; however, the development of basic mathematical competencies takes up a much broader space than in other types of school.
UMZG color range
Laying out a pattern: alternating two colors (here still with a template) In the lesson, terms of order are first worked out (eg arranging objects according to color and / or shape; creating rows / "patterns" from several objects).
On this basis, work is being carried out on the development of the concept of set and number (e.g. forming sets by combining objects with the same characteristics into a set; comparing sets with one another; getting to know number series; counting objects), and finally arithmetic operations (addition and subtraction, possibly Multiplication and division).
UMZG length
First work with lengths: sorting according to size In addition to these general mathematical skills, the handling of different sizes is developed and deepened. The subjects of lengths, weights, measure of measure, money and time (clock and calendar) are always part of the lesson. Geometric content (shapes, symmetry, drawing) is also taken up.