Secretary Mrs. Tessmer


School on Schwalbenweg
Special school with a special focus on intellectual development

Schwalbenweg 19
44625 Herne

Tel. 02325 41370
Fax 02325 952211

How to reach us:

Secretary Mrs. Tessmer

Twe are by telephone Mondays to Thursdays
preferably between 7.45 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. and
 Fridays between 7.45 a.m. and 12.00 p.m. to reach.

 During this time Ms. Tessmer works in the office. if

 the office  is not busy or for other reasons

 nobody your call can accept leave

 US please leave a message on the answering machine!

There are several ways to get to us by bus:

Bus route 340 Throttle path

Bus route 362 Ash rock

Bus route 390 Dorstener Strasse

Bus route 395 Throttle path